Western Sierra is an approved network health care provider for the Veterans Choice Program, offering closer-to-home health services to thousands of veterans in the region
Under the new program, Veterans Affairs allows Western Sierra to handle many health care services for veterans who live more than 40 miles away or must wait more than 30 days for an appointment at the closest VA medical facilities in Sacramento, Auburn or Reno.
The Veterans Choice Program, established in November 2014, greatly improves access to health care and reduces often lengthy waits for medical appointments at VA facilities.
Veterans seeking to use the Veterans Choice Program should call 866-606-8198 to confirm eligibility and schedule an appointment.
Western Sierra offers numerous health services, including medical and behavioral health, to the 10,500-plus veterans in the region.
Western Sierra’s staff is proud to provide health services to local veterans, said Western Sierra CEO Jennifer Malone.
The Veterans Choice Program will hopefully encourage more veterans to seek much-needed health care services closer to home rather than delay medical treatment because of long drives or possible long waiting times for appointments at VA facilities.
We’ll take excellent care of our veterans, who deserve our gratitude, respect — and the best possible health care.
Contact us at 530-274-9762 to find out more.