Business executives, community leaders, elected officials and health care veterans comprise the Western Sierra Medical Board of Directors, providing experience and knowledge that serve as the foundation for our success.

The Western Sierra board ensures the clinic is meeting its mission and vision, and leads long-term planning efforts and projects.

Board Officers

Scott Browne, Interim Chairman, Attorney at Law, Browne Law Offices

Anita Daniels, Interim Vice Chair, Former Vice President/Branch Manager Tri Counties Bank

Brandon Pangman, Interim Treasurer, Planning Director, Sierra County

Derek Williams, Secretary, Macintosh Computer Consultant & Investment Trader

Board Members

Rebecca George, MD, UCD Family Medicine Resident, SFHC BOD

Linda Greenlee, Chiropractic Office Manager, Registered Dietician

Robert Oldham, MD, Placer County Public Health

Lupe Peterson, Owner, Kinderland Preschool

Don Russell, Retired Editor, Mountain Messenger Newspaper

Robert Shapiro, Retired Senior Corporate Real Estate Executive, SFHC BOD

Paulette Taylor, Legal Cousel, SFHC BOD

Lisa Wilson, Insurance Program Manager/Client Liaison